Masterbuilder Ing. Georg Malojer / Margarethe Malojer
Corporate headquarters: Innsbruck
Company Registry No.: 228260b
Corporate Court: State Court of Innsbruck
UID-Nr.: ATU 56176417
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Due to the technical characteristics of the Internet, no liability can be assumed for the authenticity, correctness or completeness of the information which has been placed into the Internet. Moreover, no liability can be assumed for the availability or the operating accessibility of the relevant website and its contents. Every liability for the immediate, intermediate and/or other damages, irregardless of their cause or their source, which arise from the use or the non-availability of the data and other information of this website is ruled out, insofar as the law permits.
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Translated from the German by Jeffrey McCabe
Photo credits:
Malojer Baumanagement GmbH & Co
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Insofar as personal data, e.g. names, addresses, email addresses from our website are used, this is done on a personal basis as far as possible. Using the offers and services is invariably to be done without employing personal data, whenever possible.
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Concept, Design and Creation
Hunoldstraße 12
6020 Innsbruck Tirol, Austria
Tel. +43 512 34 75 96-0